Pacific Ridge Exploration (PEX.V) has announced a helicopter borne ZTEM geophysical survey is underway on its Kliyul copper-gold project in British Columbia. The survey will consist of almost 600 line kilometers, and that’s sufficient to cover about 85% of the Kliyul property. The main reason for doing the survey is the data it stands to gain. The ZTEM survey and inversion modelling will allow Pacific Ridge to put a 3D model together with geophysical coverage to a depth of in excess of a kilometer. That’s important as the property currently lacks deep view geophysics while a previously completed inversion model suggested there may be a stock and source pluton starting at a depth of 600 meters. The airborne ZTEM survey should help the company to gain more data on what’s going on 600-1,000 meters below surface.
As mentioned before, the company won’t be just active at Kliyul. The company also plans a diamond drill program at Chuchi where it expects to drill 2,500-3,500 meters. Additionally, it is planning an IP survey at Redton, another copper-gold project in British Columbia.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Pacific Ridge Exploration. Pacific Ridge is a sponsor of the website. Please read the disclaimer.