Premium Nickel Resources (PNRL.V) has released the assay results of six holes drilled at its past producing Selebi North project. The results are shown below in the table, and the company highlighted two holes, 106 an 107 given their average grade (2.09% NiEq and 2.84% NiEq) over 26.35 meters and 16.1 meters respectively.

The other holes also intersected good nickel grades with for instance hole 110 encountering 1.76% NiEq over 6 meters true width and hole 113 returning 11.5 meters of 1.59% NiEq including 6 meters of 2.14% NiEq.

The company has now completed approximately 20,000 meters of additional drilling on top of the 30,000 meters of drilling that was included in the maiden resource estimate. The majority of this year’s drill holes are infill holes and this should have a positive impact on moving tonnes and pounds from the inferred resource category to a higher resource category. However, hole SNUG-24-096-W1 also encountered what the company describes as ‘significant mineralization’ 100 meters down plunge of the resource calculation. No assay result have been published yet, but this does appear to bode well for a combination of resource expansion as well as having a higher quality resource.

Disclosure: The author has no position in Premium Nickel. Please read the disclaimer.

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